🍄 Your project had a dream. It was supposed to change the game, simplify workflows, or maybe even
make life easier for thousands of users.
Instead? It’s a digital patient on life support - limping along, held together by fragile patches,
quick fixes, and the desperate hope that nobody clicks the wrong button.
We believe in healing.
Our CEO? He’d love to heal the world. But sometimes, we have to face reality -
and reality is that bad software doesn’t fix itself.
That’s where we come in.
Just like mushrooms heal the soul, we act as tech shamans - restoring balance, purging the junk, and bringing your project back to life.
We once took on a project that was rebuilt three times and still didn’t work. Why? Because every dev team before us thought adding “more features” would solve the problem - when in reality, the architecture was a pile of spaghetti wrapped in hope.
Another time, we helped a company whose app had a three-minute load time - because someone thought it was a good idea to load every single user record into memory on startup.
And then there was the client who came to us in pure desperation - because their app’s poor architecture was burning through cash faster than a failing startup. Instead of fixing the actual issues, previous teams just kept throwing more servers at it, generating massive infrastructure costs. We cleaned up the code, optimized performance, and cut their monthly expenses down by 80% - because good software shouldn’t come with a financial hemorrhage.
Point is - we’ve seen the pain, and we know how to heal it.